FileZilla connection issues - MSLD
It looks like somebody cocked up at FileZilla.The latest version (v3.5.1) refuses to connect to my RedHat server, even though all previous versions of FileZilla did.Reading some of the threads around...
View ArticleNeoniQ/Geniatech/Asiapads ATV1000 firmware updates etc
I bought one of the above Android-based media players and had a hard time getting it to play movies properly. The interface wasn't exactly the easiest to live with.I have since found a newer version of...
View ArticleMonitor your Website’s Uptime with Google Docs
Here is a great GDocs script that will email you when your site goes down/up. the instructions in the author's page and you will end up...
View ArticleInternet Explorer 6 hacks, fixes etc
If you are unfortunate enough to have to support Internet Exploder (euphemistically known as Internet Explorer), that piece of garbage that MS inflicted on the world, here are some useful links that...
View ArticleHow to install FreeNas to run from a USB stick, Proliant N40L
You will need the following tools- A zip extractor, such as WinRAR, WinZip or 7zip- PhysDiskWrite (at this time, it is physdiskwrite allows you to write the disk image to the USB stick-...
View ArticleCalculate AUS taxes in GoogleDocs spreadsheet
The following custom function will calculate the tax that needs to be paid for any given salary, for FinYear 2011-12.function australianTax2011_12(grossSalary) { var tax = 0.0; if (grossSalary >...
View ArticleMore IE6 info
This site has some great info on IE6 hacks, as well as links to yet more info![It would be a pity to find one day that the above link no longer works and all that info is gone.I have thought about it...
View ArticleSave any web page as PDF, without plugins... in Chrome
(I have only tested this in Chrome)When viewing the page you want to save as PDF, simply press Ctrl-P and, from the printer list (Destination) select 'Save as PDF'.That's it!ps: Comments and/or links...
View ArticleHow to use PostgreSQL with WAMP server
Assuming you have installed PostgreSQL and your WAMP installation is on c:\wamp, you will need to copyc:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.9\libpq.dll to c:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\binMake sure you also...
View ArticlePHP, LESS CSS and css/js minify
UPDATE: Link and source updated on 19-apr-2013. See bottom of pageLESS CSS is a pre-processor for CSS that provides lots of added functionality to plain ol' CSS. For more info visit the LESS...
View ArticleList of JS/CSS loaders
Here is a handy feature-comparison list of JS/CSS loaders that helped mewhen I was searching for just such a Comments and/or links to this article are most welcome!
View ArticleHow to cater for Internet Exploder...
I found (yet another) a very handy article that will be of help to anyone that has to support Internet Comments and/or links to this article are most welcome!
View ArticleWin7 window-title double click does not maximise...
Somehow, I found myself double-clicking on the top border of a window in Win7 and...nothing happened.I had rather hoped that the window would maximise vertically, as it had countless times before.I...
View ArticleExtensive comparison of rss/news readers
I recently found this page, containing a large number of rss/news readers and a features table comparison.Now that Google Reader has been shot in the head, this page may just help you find a...
View ArticleFreePascal/Lazarus: How to use lookup combo in DBGrid
I recently worked on a project where I used FreePascal in order to create an app that consisted of a single EXE and which did not need to be installed (portable app).I had some difficulty in getting a...
View ArticleFortesReports: Misc info
This post will accumulate info on FortesReports, the reporting tool used in Lazarus/FreePascal.Once enough info has been collected and cleaned up, it will be passed on to the Lazarus...
View ArticleHow to achieve shift-click (contiguous) select on a Lazarus TDBGrid
Please follow this link to my post in the Lazarus forumps: Comments and/or links to this article are most welcome!
View ArticleFreepascal/Lazarus decimal rounding vs Excel rounding
I found this thread quite useful, regarding decimal rounding in freepascal/Lazarus.This article also describes a unit somebody has written that handles decimal values more accurately (and also more...
View ArticleCompile LESS CSS files and compress/minify CSS and JS files using node.js
Here is what you need to do, in order to- compile your LESS files into CSS whenever they are changed and also compress those CSS files into .min.css (*1)- compress your JS files into .min.js whenever...
View ArticleLaravel, Composer, WAMP/PHP 'missing open_ssl' fix
If you are trying to install Laravel and are encountering the 'The openssl extension is missing' error with the Composer installer, here is a fix:WAMP maintains a different php.ini for the Apache dir...
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